Blogger provide facility to upload the images to the blog easily. However, it is difficult to upload a .doc, .pdf or any other file on the blog. Many people have this question that is it possible to upload a file on the blog? Many bloggers do not know about this. The answer is No, we can not upload a file directly on the blog, however, there are few alternatively to the solution of this problem, i.e., uploading a file on the blogger.
Why it is needed to upload a file on a blog?
Uploading a file on the blog may be need because of the several reasons, e.g., you want your visitors download a file or an e-book or any thing else. This gives the visitors a feeling of owning something for Free.
How to uploading a file on the blog?
There are several options for this.
- Upload a file using
- Upload a file using a file uploading service
- Upload a file on your own domain, if you have the one:
1. Upload a file using
Scribd is the largest social publishing company in the world, the Website where tens of millions of people each month publish and discover original writings and documents. On Scribd, you can quickly and easily turn nearly any file—including PDF, Word, PowerPoint and Excel—into a Web document and share it with the world.
To upload a file on follow the step given below:
- Create an account on the
- Login to your account.
- Upload the file
- Copy the link of the file or URL and paste it into your blog:
Uploading a file using the file uploading service
There are many file uploading services, I would suggest you to use the website:, which is an easiest website to use for uploading the files.
- Goto
- Upload a file you want to upload to your blog
- Copy the URL of the file and past into your blog
Uploading File using your own domain website:
Many of the bloggers have their own website for the blog or some other one. If you have your own website, it would be preferable to uplaod a file on that, since it will give the professional look and feel to the visitors.
- Use your favorite File uploading FTP software, such as Cute FTP, WS FTP, or FIreFTP etc. to upload the file to the website.
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