As the economic situation in the world worsens, everyone is looking for a way to cut back costs. One way you can cut back costs is by using open source programs instead of expensive programs. While the open source programs may not be as pretty, they do get the job done. What’s even better is that almost all these programs run on multiple platforms, so you can share work and get more done without worrying about compatibility.
1. The GIMP
The GIMP is a free graphics program that you can use to create and edit almost any type of graphics. It has support for Skins, and is pretty much a open source version of Adobe Photoshop.
2. Nvu
Nvu is a free web editor. While it doesn’t have all the features and interfaces of DreamWeaver or Sharepoint, it does allow you to edit code and design at the same time. It also allows you to move design elements without looking at any of the design code.
3. Open Office
If you run any spread sheets (for billing for example) or save documents in Word format, Open Office is a world renowned open source editor that supports almost all of the futures of Microsoft Office at a great cost – free. The interface is similar and you get almost the exact same results as you would using any Microsoft program.
4. Firefox
While Firefox in and of itself is great, the plugins that go with it, turn it into a formidable web development and debugging tool at a great cost. See our previous post on great plugins for firefox.
5. WinSCP
If you find yourself using telnet, ssh, scp and other file transfer protocols, you may be using a paid file transfer program. WinSCP is completely free and supports multiple sessions, different protocols and can store sessions, usernames and passwords.
6. Audacity
If you do any kind of audio editing, then Audacity is the best program for you. You can splice MP3s, record, change pitch, and do almost any type of sound editing. Great for editing soundtracks, flash background music and more.
Maya Richard is now writing about high speed internet for the Cable Modem Help blog. She can be reached at
1. The GIMP
The GIMP is a free graphics program that you can use to create and edit almost any type of graphics. It has support for Skins, and is pretty much a open source version of Adobe Photoshop.
2. Nvu
Nvu is a free web editor. While it doesn’t have all the features and interfaces of DreamWeaver or Sharepoint, it does allow you to edit code and design at the same time. It also allows you to move design elements without looking at any of the design code.
3. Open Office
If you run any spread sheets (for billing for example) or save documents in Word format, Open Office is a world renowned open source editor that supports almost all of the futures of Microsoft Office at a great cost – free. The interface is similar and you get almost the exact same results as you would using any Microsoft program.
4. Firefox
While Firefox in and of itself is great, the plugins that go with it, turn it into a formidable web development and debugging tool at a great cost. See our previous post on great plugins for firefox.
5. WinSCP
If you find yourself using telnet, ssh, scp and other file transfer protocols, you may be using a paid file transfer program. WinSCP is completely free and supports multiple sessions, different protocols and can store sessions, usernames and passwords.
6. Audacity
If you do any kind of audio editing, then Audacity is the best program for you. You can splice MP3s, record, change pitch, and do almost any type of sound editing. Great for editing soundtracks, flash background music and more.
Maya Richard is now writing about high speed internet for the Cable Modem Help blog. She can be reached at
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